Keeping teams informed of major decisions, news, and/or announcements is critical to any successful organization. Strety's Cascading Headlines feature allows leaders to send Headlines to multiple teams at once, trickling messages down to anyone who needs to know in one motion
Creating a Cascading Message
The fastest way to send a message to multiple teams is via the Quick Create button in the top left
Give your Cascading Headline a title and description & include attachments (if needed). Toggle the Cascade to multiple teams on and select any team(s) you want to share the Headline with
Once the Cascading Headline is sent, it will appear as a new Headline for any receiving team. We also add a tag identifying the sending team
Cascading Messages from Issues
The majority of time spent in every L10 meeting centers around the Issues list. This is where teams identify, discuss, and solve (IDS) their most important short term items. Naturally, some of those decisions or resolutions need to be cascaded up, down, or across the organization to keep everyone aligned.
To create a Cascading Headline from an Issue, click the 3-dot menu and select Create Headline
The Cascading Headline will be auto-populated w the name & description of the Issue
Note: You can customize the title and description for the recipient teams without it affecting the original title and description of the Issue
The Cascading Headline along with a tag identifying the sending team will appear as a new Headline for any of receiving teams