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Strety Rocks | Company, Team, & Personal

Everything you need to know to create, track, and manage your Rocks

Derek Weaver avatar
Written by Derek Weaver
Updated today

There are 3 types of Rocks in Strety: Company, Team, and Personal. In this article, we will show you how to create, identify, manage, and check-in your Rocks

To see all your Rocks, head to your personal page and click the Rocks tab:

Recommendation: Check-in to all your Rocks from this page. You can click directly into the Status field or open each Rock to update your progress

Creating a New Rock

Click Create Rock within your personal or Team's Rocks tabs or click + Create from anywhere in Strety

Every Rock requires a Name, Due Date, and Assignee. We recommend a detailed Description, too - include attachments. Then select its Status & Progress to determine how you want to track the progress of the Rock on a weekly basis

  • Status Only (EOS Style Rock) - This gives the assignee "On Track" or "Off Track" check-in option each week

  • Status & Progress for Numerical Value: This is when there is a numerical target for the Rock that you want to track progress towards. Select the Starting Value, Ending Value (target) and the Value Format. Each week the assignee can say if they are "On Track" or "Off Track" plus enter a numerical value for how they're trending towards the Ending Value

  • Progress Measured from Integration: This style allows owners to link the Rock to a Microsoft Planner Plan or a Connectwise Project. We'll auto ate the check-in of this style of Rock based on the progress/completeness of the project in the linked platform

NOTE: You cannot change the Status & Progress type after the Rock has been created

Company Rocks

Company Rocks are your organization's top priorities. They are (typically) set and reevaluated every 90 days and (almost always) align with your 1-year goals. While Company Rocks are owned by an individual and assigned to specific Team(s), they all feed into your Company Rock page and are visible to everyone.

There are two ways to create a Company Rock

  1. From the Company dropdown

You can then share the Company Rock with any relevant Team Spaces in order to review it during team L10s or meetings

2. By toggling-on the Company Rock tag within the create/edit modal

NOTE: Company Rocks cannot have a Secret Team as it's primary team, but you can share Company Rocks with Secret Teams after creation

Every Company Rock can be seen by clicking Company Rocks from the Company tab across the top of your app/browser

Team Rocks

Team Rocks are the most important priorities for your team over the next 90 days. These typically align with or roll-up to your Company's or Manager's Rocks. In Strety, Team Rocks can

  • Be assigned to & cascaded across multiple Team Spaces

  • Be co-designated as a Company Rock

Once a Rock is added to a Team, it will show up in their L10 agenda until it is archived

Personal Rocks

Personal Rocks are visible to only yourself and your manager, making them perfect candidates for your 1x1 discussions.

To make any Rock personal, make your 1x1 it's Primary Space

To attach a Personal Rock to a 1x1 or Custom Agenda, click the 3-dot edit menu on the Agenda Item then Attach a Rock

Select your Rock from the dropdown list and click Save. The Rock, along with its most recent check-ins, will appear within the Agenda Item like this:

You can remove the Rock by clicking the 3-dot menu to the right of the embedded Rock


Check-ins are your way of updating your progress towards your Rocks. Check-ins should be done weekly and ahead of your L10 or 1x1 so everyone is informed of its current status

To check-in a Rock click the Status field and update your Status

  • On Track - Current pace trending towards hitting target

  • Off Track - Current pace trending towards missing target

  • Completed - When you've fully completed the target

  • Missed - If you failed to accomplish your target by due date

  • Value - For Status & Progress Rocks only, your progress against End Value

To check-in with context or see the historical record of all previous check-ins, click into the Rock itself.

Add context whenever possible, Context gives others the insight(s) needed to understand exactly where things stand.

This is especially important when you are off-track as it enables your manager(s) to see what you've done so far and better understand why you are behind pace or it can let them know you've got things under control despite appearances - saving everyone time

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