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How to set-up the Results Ownership Chart
How to set-up the Results Ownership Chart
Derek Weaver avatar
Written by Derek Weaver
Updated over a week ago

Our Results Ownership Chart combines two of the most important elements of your organization:

  • Who reports to who

  • Who is accountable for what

In building out your Results Ownership Chart, you'll be providing a clear & transparent picture of the roles and responsibilities + who is accountable for them at every level of your organization

To access your Results ownership Chart click on the Company tab from anywhere within Strety

Customizing the Roles Chart

To edit any role, click on it's 3-dot menu. From there, you can customize the names of your roles, add assignee(s) to the role, and add any/all responsibilities for the role

To add additional roles beneath a parent role, click the 3-dot menu and select Add Role Below. You can also use the Move functions to customize the order of your roles within each level of your organization

To expand or collapse branches of your Roles Charts click on the + or x beneath the parent role

Adding External Users

Perhaps not everyone on your Results Ownership Chart is a Strety member... yet. There's still a way for you to enter their name so that it's explicitly clear who owns that role & its responsibilities

To enter an external/placeholder user, edit the role and type in the name(s) to the External assignees field

Once entered, they will appear as avatars with their initials on the roles chart (including the printable pdf)

Exporting the Roles Chart

Probably don't need any help finding this one.... Click this button and a PDF of the roles chart will arrive in your inbox shortly

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