Calculated metrics allow you to use basic mathematical operators - including order of operations - to create aggregate or weighted metrics for your Scorecards
How to Create a Calculated Metric
Create a metric from Quick Create or your team's Scorecard page and toggle the Use Calculated Metric option
From the Formula Builder field, type in the name(s) of any metric you want to factor into your formula; we also show the avatar of the metric owner for easier identification. Use any of the basic mathematical operators to build your formula: + - / * ( )
Metrics available in the formula builder are user-specific, meaning any metrics that you have access to, regardless of team they're on, will be available when building your calculated metrics
Use Case: Scorecard Roll-up
As a manager, I am responsible for a target that combines the individual targets of everyone on my team. I have already set-up a Total Billable Hours weekly metric for each of my direct reports:
I now want to create a Total Billable Hours (Team) Calculated Metric that combines the targets from both of my Direct Reports and compares that to my total team target:
Now, each week, the Total Billable Hours (Team) metric is calculated automatically as my direct reports enter their weekly check-ins:
Use Case: Weighted Metrics
As a manager of a Sales team, I track my direct reports on their activity. I am already tracking the # of dials and # of demos my team is performing each week:
However, not all activity is weighted the same. In this example, I'm going to deem Demos as 2x more impactful than Dials so I want to set a weighted target that combines Demos & Dials and calculates the weighted output:
Now, each week, Activity Points is automatically calculated as my team check-in their # of DIals and # of Demos that will provide an extra layer of data that more accurately represents the weekly impact of my team's activity. I can even assign the Activity Points metrics to Leadership if that top-line metric warrants visibility in Leadership's Scorecard or L10 meeting