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Strety Changelog #4 - March 18th, 2024 | Reviews & Custom Sections
Strety Changelog #4 - March 18th, 2024 | Reviews & Custom Sections
Derek Weaver avatar
Written by Derek Weaver
Updated over 12 months ago

It's been 12 days since our last changelog email but I just had to fill you in on some great stuff we've shipped. Let's get to it...

Reviews (aka Quarterly Conversations)

Late last week we released v1 of Reviews which closely maps to how Quarterly Conversations flow in EOS. We'll be adding custom questions and peer feedback (& more) soon. Derek created a great help article with a video on how it use this new feature:

Webinar for Q&A this Wednesday at 11am EST

Register here for our first live roadmap update & Q&A webinar. I'll summarize the features we've built in Q1 (from the 4 change log emails) and share where we're heading into Q2. There will be plenty of time for Q&A as well, so stick around!

We'll also be talking about our "Integrator's Retreat" we plan to host this September in Park City, Utah. Learn about it here: Strety 2024 Integrator Retreat

The Other Stuff

There's always small-ish things we work on that bring your feature requests to life. Check out the highlights from this most recent sprint:

  1. Exporting Roles Chart to PDF - A hot request leading into your Q2 planning meetings, now when you visit your roles chart, you'll see a export to PDF button. We show one team per page.

  2. Skip Level 1x1s - Now managers can create 1x1 agendas with direct reports down the chain. Here's how to set-up them up.

  3. Custom Agenda Items in EOS style agendas - In these fixed agenda types, you can now add custom agenda item(s) with free form text. Click Edit Agenda to build your ideal L10 or Quarterly Planning agenda.

  4. Pre-populating Issue details - Based on popular demand, we now pre-populate an Issue's title when creating an issue from a To Do, Rock, or Scorecard Metric. Same with Messages from an Issue.

  5. Date Ranges for Rocks - In Quarterly Agendas, L10s, and your team's Rock tab there is now a date range filter you can use to view Rocks from whatever time period you need/want to review!

Not bad for 8 business days worth of work! Hope to see you Wednesday.

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