The Company Vision or Vision/Traction Organizer (V/TO) is your organization's northstar. It serves as the blueprint for what your organization is, what it stands for, who it serves, and defines it's top-line goals for the next decade
Your Company Vision consists of the following parts:
Core Values - Who your company is
Focus - Your purpose or mission
Grand vision - Where is your company going? Dream big!
Strategy - Who is your target market, what makes you unique, what is your guarantee, and what is your proven process
3 Year Goals - Where are you going in the medium term
1 Year Goals - Where are you going in the short term
SWOT - What are your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
Taken together, your Company Vision aligns everyone under a shared vision for where you are headed, why you are heading there, and how you plan to get there
To access your Company Vision click on the Company tab from anywhere within Strety
How to add/edit Core Values, Focus, and Strategy
From the Identity tab, click edit on any of the sections including the headers
Note: You can add attachments within the descriptions
How to add/edit your Grand Vision, 3yr targets, 1yr targets, and 90 day goals
From the Direction tab, click edit on any of the sections
For your 3yr & 1yr Goals, enter the target date that aligns to when you originally set the goals. Add your Revenue & Profit targets as well as any other metrics and Goals that will help you achieve them
Note: You can (and should) have different goals for your 3yr and 1yr targets
How to add/edit your SWOT
From the SWOT tab, click edit on any of the sections
How to Restrict access to your Company Vision
By default, your Company Vision is visible to your entire organization. If you'd like to restrict any or all of the sections to only leadership we give you that option. Click on the 3-dot edit menu from anywhere within the Company Vision and toggle to your specs
How to Add a Vision for Each Team
For teams that may operate more independently or differently than the rest of your organization, they can create their own custom Vision separate from the organizational VTO.
To enable team-level Vision, click Setup Tools from your Space's 3-dot menu:
Toggle on the Vision option
Click the newly added Vision tab to begin adding/editing your team-specific Vision
...And when it's time for your team to run it's Annual Planning Agenda with Strety, your team-specific Vision, Direction, & SWOT will be front & center!