Our Accountability Chart combines two of the most important elements of your organization:
Who reports to who
Who is accountable for what
In building out your Accountability Chart, you'll be providing a clear & transparent picture of the roles and responsibilities + who is accountable for them at every level of your organization
To access your Accountability Chart click on the Company tab from anywhere within Strety
If you're new to Strety, you'll see a blank Accountability Chart with a handful of roles already in there serving as starting points
Customizing the Accountability Chart
To edit any role, click into it. From there, you can customise the names of your roles, add Assignee(s), and add Responsibilities, set the Role's Status, and add External Assignees (if the role is owned by a non Strety user)
To add additional roles beneath a parent role, click the 3-dot menu and select Add Role Below. You can also use the Move functions to customize the order of your roles within each level of your organization
To expand or collapse branches of your Accountability Chart click on the + or x beneath the parent role
Adding External Users
Perhaps not everyone on your Accountability Chart is a Strety member... yet. There's still a way for you to enter their name so that it's explicitly clear who owns that role & its responsibilities
To enter an external/placeholder user, edit the role and type in the name(s) to the External assignees field
Once entered, they will appear as avatars with their initials on the roles chart (including the printable pdf)
Exporting the Accountability Chart
Click the 3-dot menu to Export to PDF and the roles chart will arrive in your inbox shortly
How to Create Team Specific Accountability Chart Drafts/Versions
Planning for growth or an organizational restructure? Or maybe you have a team that wants to create their own custom Accountability Chart separate from the organizational. Strety allows you to create different drafts of your Accountability Chart to help your team better visualize the future!
To create new version(s) of your Accountability Chart, first enable the tool from your team's Tools:
Toggle on the Accountability Chart
Note: While all Teams can enable Accountability Charts only the Leadership Team can set the organizational default
Option 1: Create a Accountability Chart (from scratch)
This option allows you to build a brand new Accountability Chart from a blank slate!
Option 2: Duplicate (from existing)
This option allows you to use the existing Organization Wide Accountability Chart as your starting point to add/remove/edit as needed
If/when you want to set a draft/version as the Organization Wide Accountability Chart, click the 3-dot menu