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Strety Changelog #1- Jan 23rd, 2024
Strety Changelog #1- Jan 23rd, 2024
Brian Dosal avatar
Written by Brian Dosal
Updated over a year ago

This year we'll provide periodic updates of what has changed in Strety (in this changelog email). This way you know when your requests have been released and what has changed.

Keep in mind that all these improvements are in Strety's 2024 version released December 15th. If you are on Strety's previous version, we'll get you on the new version once we can migrate Custom Agendas to be saved to Teams. Should all be migrated over by end of February.

For those on our latest version, here are the changes we've made in the past few weeks.

  • Client User Types - Invite Clients to teams within Strety and know exactly what tool they are able to see. And they won't have access to Company pages or 1x1s. Just Teams.

  • Customizable Fixed Agendas - You can now re-order and hide agenda items in fixed agendas (like L10s)

  • Threshold on Fixed Agendas - Set thresholds for agendas and the timer will turn red when they go over.

  • Quarterly EOS Agenda - For any team, you can create and use your Quarterly EOS agendas.

  • Annual Day 1 & Day 2 Agendas - Similarly, we have release Day 1 & Day 2 agendas in the EOS model.

  • Drag & Drop Ordering of Milestones in Rocks - Now you can order milestones in rocks however you like!

  • Create Buttons in L10s - For each tool in an L10, we added a create button that defaults to the team you're on in these L10s

  • Metrics Descriptions - Add context or links to metrics so you know what the metric is for or all about.

  • Design Updates for Metric/Rock Check ins - For metrics and rocks, you can click on the table and check in from there. With the ability to add context.

  • Issues Votes Reset after marking complete or archive - This way your vote is given back ot users so they can vote again.

  • Metric Context on hover - In scorecards, if a metric has context to their check in, you can hover quickly and see the context.

  • Turning Off/On L10s per Team - We had launched iwth L10s always being active for a team. But if you don't want them to be on, you can edit the team and turn them off.

I'll send another changelog update email in the coming weeks.

What's coming next? Alot. But the bigger projects are Quarterly Conversation / Performance Reviews, Calculated Metrics, Using Planner to Update Rock Statuses, Autotask To Do Integration, and Notification Improvements. Among other smaller changes.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email back.



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