Presenter Mode allows the host of your L10s to drive the meeting for all attendees so everyone can follow the host's screen as they progress through the agenda items.
To host a meeting and lead the presentation, click Start Agenda.
Note: Whoever's first to click Start Agenda will default to the host. If you show up early and you are not the host, hang tight until the host starts the agenda and the option to Join appears
As attendees Join the meeting, they will automatically follow the host in presenter mode. Everyone can see who's in attendance via real-time avatars in the bottom left. Hosts will also see a 'You are presenting' banner in their screen
All attendees will see a 'You are now following {Host Name}' banner, along with an option to unfollow.
Clicking "unfollow" is common during the Issues section so that each attendee can rank their Issues. Once you've made your choices, click "follow" to re-join the host's presentation