(Pre)setup your teams for success by creating agenda templates that anyone can use!
Building custom Agenda Templates can help save your team time and ensure consistency across any type of meeting. Admins can create templates for any/all of your recurring meeting types that anyone in the organization can then use when building their custom and 1x1 agendas.
Organizational Agenda Templates
The first question to ask is whether you want this template to be accessible for the entire organization or for a specific team. The majority of agenda templates are likely to be more useful as organizational templates. Examples include
1x1 Agendas: Create an agenda template any/all of your managers can use when conducting 1x1s with their direct reports
L10 Agendas: Create custom agenda items within the flow of your L10 meetings, so that every team in the org can run L10s the same way
Suggested 1x1 Topics/Questions: Create a template of suggested topics or questions to ask during 1x1s - a great assist for new managers or depts that are new to 1x1s
Project Kickoff/Scoping Agendas: Create a kickoff and/or scoping template so that it's ready to go whenever a new internal or external project is ready to kickoff on any team
How to Create an Organization Agenda Template
Head to Adminland's Agenda Template section to set-up your organizational agenda templates
Click Create New Template, give your template a Name and Description (optional)
Begin building your agenda with Custom Agenda Items and/or Tools, note the tools will show only the items shared with whatever Space the agenda is added to
We highly recommend using Grouping and color shading to give your agenda a little more pop
How to Use an Agenda Template
A Quick video to better illustrate how to use templates - or select only certain agenda items from a template - in new or existing agendas
Space-Specific Agenda Templates
Space-specific agenda templates great for teams that run a lot of similar projects in a way the rest of the organization may not.
To create a Space Agenda Template, click Manage Templates from any space's Agenda page
From here, you can edit existing Templates or create new ones
If you decide you want to make a space template available to the entire organization, click Save as Organizational Template from the 3-dot menu